Going above and beyond for your Beliefs: the Effects of Ideological Psychological Contract Breach and Fulfillment on pro-Social Rule Breaking

Springer Science and Business Media LLC - Tập 34 Số 4 - Trang 515-538 - 2022
Yang Yan-fan1, I. Brans1, Tim Vantilborgh1
1Department of Work and Organizational Psychology, Vrije Universiteit Brussel, 1050, Brussel, Belgium

Tóm tắt


Ideological psychological contracts (PC) describe perceived obligations that relate to an organization’s mission, values, and principles, and they relate closely to employees’ self-concept. The ideological currency is prevalent across various professions and organizations. In this study, we argue that employees engage in corrective behavior (i.e., pro-social rule breaking; PSRB) in response to large discrepancies between obligated and delivered ideological inducements (i.e., ideological PC breach). We measure breach obligated and delivered ideological inducements separately to examine their different effects on PSRB. Based on prior theoretical models, we examine core self-evaluation (i.e., CSE) and include perceptions of ideological PC breach and fulfillment as antecedents of PSRB, as well as the role of CSE in the relationship between perceptions of ideological PC breach and fulfillment and PSRB. Our results suggest that PSRB negatively relates to both the breach and fulfillment continua, and delivered ideological inducements relates more strongly to PSRB than obligated ideological inducements. Moreover, CSE does not moderate the relationship between ideological PC breach and fulfillment and PSRB. These results further our understanding of how ideological PCs shape employees’ behavior. By examining the moderating role of CSE, we advance the PC literature by showing that ideological PC breach and fulfillment perceptions are better antecedents of PSRB than CSE.

Từ khóa

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