Glass trade beads: A progress report
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Allen, Jamey D. 1980 Reviews. Northern California Bead Society Bulletin 3(4):2–5.
1982 Cane Manufacture for Mosaic Glass Beads: Part I. Ornament 5(4):6–11.
1983a Chevron-Star-Rosetta Beads: Part I. Ornament 7(1):19–24.
1983b Chevron-Star-Rosetta Beads: Part II. Ornament 7(2):24–29, 40.
1983c The Manufacture of Intricate Glass Canes, and a New Perspective on the Relationship between Chevron-Star Beads and Mosaic-Millefiori Beads. In Proceedings of the 1982 Glass Trade Bead Conference, edited by Charles F. Hayes, III, pp. 173–91. Research Records No. 16. Rochester Museum & Science Center, Rochester, New York.
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1979c Third World Beadmakers. The World of Beads Monograph Series No. 3. Lake Placid, New York.
1981a Bead Nomenclature: Some Sources and Some Proposed Criteria, Part One: The Source of Bead Nomenclature. Northern California Bead Society Bulletin 4(2):5–9.
1981b Bead Report V: Beads in Turkey, Part I. Ornament 5(2):38–39, 58.
1982 The Glass Beads of India. The World of Beads Monograph Series No. 7. Lake Placid, New York.
1983a Early Post-contact Native-made Glass Beads in America. Bead Forum 2:5–6.
1983b Some Thoughts on Glass Beadmaking. In Proceedings of the 1982 Glass Trade Bead Conference, edited by Charles F. Hayes III, pp. 193–202. Research Records No. 16. Rochester Museum & Science Center, Rochester, New York.
1984 Review of “Guide to the Description and Classification of Glass Beads,” by Karlis Karklins, 1982. Historical Archaeology 18(2):130–32.
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1976 Glass Beads from the First Hermitage. In An Archaeological and Historical Assessment of the First Hermitage, edited by Samual D. Smith, pp. 237–248. Research Series No. 2. Tennessee Department of Conservation, Division of Archaeology.
1977 Glass Bead Manufacturing Techniques. In Beads: Their Use by Upper Great Lakes Indians, pp. 27–34. Grand Rapids Public Museum Publication No. 3, Grand Rapids.
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Karklins, Karlis 1982 Guide to the Description and Classification of Glass Beads. Parks Canada, Ottawa, Ontario. History and Archaeology 59:83–117.
Karklins, Karlis and Roderick Sprague 1980 A Bibliography of Glass Trade Beads in North America. South Fork Press, Moscow, Idaho.
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Kidd, Kenneth E. 1979 Glass Bead-Making from the Middle Ages to the Early 19th Century. History and Archaeology No. 30. Parks Canada, Ottawa, Ontario.
1982 Comments following Some Problems in Trade Bead Research. Paper presented 12 June 1982 at the Glass Trade Bead Conference, Rochester Museum & Science Center, Rochester, 12–13 June 1982.
Kidd, Kenneth E. and Martha A. Kidd 1970 A Classification System for Glass Beads for the Use of Field Archaeologist. Canadian Historic Sites: Occasional Papers in Archaeology and History 1:45–89. Ottawa.
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Liu, Robert K. 1974 African Mold-Made Glass Beads. Bead Journal 1(2):8–14.
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1975b Early 20th Century Bead Catalogs. Bead Journal 2(2):31.
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Lugay, Jose B. 1974 Determination of the Methods of Manufacture of Glass Beads. In Proceedings of the First Regional Seminar on Southeast Asian Prehistory and Archaeology, Manila, 1972, pp. 148-81. National Museum of the Philippines, Manila.
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Smith, Marvin T. 1982 “Eye” Beads in the Southeast. The Conference on Historic Site Archaeology Papers 14:116–27. Columbia, South Carolina.
1983 An Unusual Glass Bead from Southern Florida. Bead Forum 2:3–4.
Smith, Marvin T. and Mary Elizabeth Good 1982 Early Sixteenth Century Glass Beads in the Spanish Colonial Trade. Cottonlandia Museum Publications, Greenwood.
Sprague, Roderick 1966 Toward a Chronology of Glass Trade Beads. Paper presented at the 19th Annual Northwest Anthropological Conference, Banff, Alberta.
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