Glacial–interglacial records of the reflectance of sediments from the Norwegian–Greenland–Iceland Sea (Nordic seas)

International Journal of Earth Sciences - Tập 88 - Trang 325-336 - 1999
H. A. Bauch1, J. P. Helmke1
1GEOMAR Research Center for Marine Geosciences, Wischhofstrasse 1–3, D-24148 Kiel, Germany e-mail: [email protected], , DE

Tóm tắt

 The reflectance of sediments (gray level) were measured on 11 sediment cores from the Norwegian–Greenland–Iceland Sea (Nordic seas). The analyzed time interval covers the past five glacial–interglacial cycles. Although the results demonstrate that the gray-level method has a potential for stratigraphic purposes, it is indicated that gray-level changes in the Nordic seas are not necessarily driven by variations in the content of biogenic calcite. A detailed comparison of gray-level values with contents of total CaCO3 (carbonate) and total organic carbon (TOC) reveals no overall causal link between these proxies. However, specific glacial core sections with layers containing organic-rich sediment clasts as a consequence of iceberg-rafting seem to correlate well with law gray-level values. Of those cores which show relatively high and comparable carbonate values in the last three main interglacial intervals (stages 11, 5.5, and 1), stage 11 is always marked by the highest gray-level values. A close inspection of the surface structure of the foraminiferal tests as well as the conduction of reflectance measurements on these tests leads to the conclusion that enhanced carbonate corrosion occurred during stage 11. The test corrosion not only affected the reflectance of the tests by making them appear whiter, it also seems responsible for the comparatively high gray-level values of the total sediment in stage 11. In contrast, the relatively low gray-level values found in stages 5.5, and 1 are not associated with enhanced test corrosion. This observation implies that variable degrees of carbonate corrosion can have a profound effect on total sediment reflectance.