Generation of integrated multispatial input-output models of cities (GIMIMoC) I: Initial stage

Papers of the Regional Science Association - Tập 72 - Trang 351-367 - 1993
Yu-xian Jin1,2, Alan Wilson1
1School of Geography, University of Leeds, Leeds, United Kingdom
2Regional Economic Institute, People's University of China, Beijing, China

Tóm tắt

This paper deals with the first stage — initial description — of the Generation of an Integrated Multispatial Input-output Model of Cities (GIMIMoC), which incorporates multiple systems (urban economic, socio-demographic and housing subsystems) and multiple spatial scales (urban zone, city, region and nation) into a framework. The framework consists of three modules. First, attention is paid to the construction of a multispatial inputoutput model (the MULIO module). A new notation highlights the hierarchy of multispatial units and the links with the other two modules. Second, the multispatial socio-demographic module (SOCDEM) is described, which can be either operated independently or incorporated into the GIMIMoC framework. Third, the multispatial housing stock module (HOSTOC) is treated, in which a spatial interaction type model is applied to estimate housing demand flows. Last, the integration and model solution, together with potential applications are outlined. The second stage — the dynamics of the GIMIMoC framework — is dealt with in another paper (Jin and Wilson 1991).

Tài liệu tham khảo

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