Geant4—a simulation toolkit

S. Agostinelli1, John E. Allison2, T. Kobayashi3, J. Apostolakis4, H. M. Araújo5, P. Arce4, Makoto Asai6, D. Axen4, Sunanda Banerjee7, Guy Barrand8, U. Becker4, L. Bellagamba9, A. Boveia10, L. Broglia11, A. Brunengo9, H. Burkhardt4, Stéphane Chauvie12,13, Joseph Chuma14, R Chytracek4, Gene Cooperman15, G. Cosmo4, P. V. Degtyarenko16, A. Andreazza4, G. Depaola17, Dennis D. Dietrich18, R. Enami19, A. Feliciello, C. Ferguson20, H. Fesefeldt4, G. Folger4, F. Foppiano21, A. Formica2, Sara Garelli12,13, A. Gianelle4, R. Giannitrapani22, D. Gibin4, J.J. Gómez-Cadenas4, I. González Caballero4, G. Gracia Abril4, G. Greeniaus23, Walter Greiner18, V. Grichine12,13, A. Grossheim4, Susanna Guatelli12,13, P. Gumplinger14, R. Hamatsu24, K. Hashimoto25, H. Hasui25, A. Heikkinen26, G. Fedi5, Sergey Troshin4, A. Rinkevičius6, F.W. Jones14, Jan Kallenbach27, N. Kanaya4, Masahiro Kawabata19, Y. Kawabata25, M. Kawaguti19, S. R. Kelner28, Paul R. C. Kent29, Akira Kimura30, A. Koulouris31, Р. П. Кокоулин28, M. Kossov16, H. Kurashige32, E. Lamanna33, T. Lampén25, V. Lara4, V. Lefebure4, F. Lei20, M. Liendl4, P. Loch34, F. Longo35, Simone Magni12,13, M. Maire19, E. Medernach4, K. Minamimoto31, P. Mora de Freitas19, R. W. Moore3, K. Murakami3, Masayasu Nagamatsu31, R. Nartallo19, P. Nieminen19, T. Nishimura25, K. Ohtsubo25, M. Okamura19, S.W. OʼNeale36, Y. Oohata24, K. Paech18, Joseph Perl6, E. Meschi4, V. Gracco37, F. Ranjard4, A. M. Rybin, S.S Sadilov4, E. Di Salvo9, G. Santin35, T. Sasaki3, N. Savvas2, Yukimasa Sawada25, S. Scherer18, S. Sei31, V. Sirotenko4, Y. Smirnov6, N. Starkov19, H. Stöcker18, J. Sulkimo27, M. Takahata30, J. Zhong38, E. Vlasov4, E. Safai Tehrani6, M. Tropeano1, P.R. Truscott39, H. Uno31, László Urbán40, Péter Urbán41, M. Verderi19, Andrew Walkden2, W. Wander42, H. A. Weber18, J.P. Wellisch4, T. Wengler43, D. C. Williams44, A. Belloni6, Takahiro Yamada31, H. Yoshida31, D. Zschiesche18
1University of Genoa, Genoa, Italy
2University of Manchester, Manchester, United Kingdom
3High Energy Accelerator Research Organization, Tsukuba, Japan
4European Organization for Nuclear Research, Geneva, Switzerland
5Imperial College London, London, United Kingdom
6Stanford University, Stanford, United States
7Tata Institute of Fundamental Research, Mumbai, India
8IN2P3/LAL, Orsay, France
9Istituto Nazionale di Fisica Nucleare, Rome, Italy
10University of Pittsburgh, Pittsburgh, United States
11Lyon College, Batesville, United States
12INFN, Torino, Italy
13Università di Torino, Italy
14TRIUMF, Vancouver, Canada
15Northeastern University, Boston, United States
16Thomas Jefferson National Accelerator Facility, Newport News, United States
17University of Córdoba, Córdoba, Spain
18Goethe University Frankfurt, Frankfurt am Main, Germany
19Northeastern University USA
20University of Southampton, Southampton,United Kingdom
21CMS Collaboration, CERN, Switzerland
22University of Udine, Udine, Italy
23University of Alberta, Edmonton, Canada
24Tokyo Metropolitan University, Tokyo, Japan
25European Organization for Nuclear Research (CERN) Switzerland
26Helsinki Institute of Physics (HIP), Finland
27TRIUMF, Canada
28Moscow Engineering Physics Institute, Moscow, Russia
29University of Bath, Bath, United Kingdom
30Niigata University, Niigata, Japan
31Naruto University of Education, Narutochō-mitsuishi, Japan
32Kobe University, Kobe, Japan
33University of Calabria, Rende, Italy
34BaBar Collaboration, USA
35University of Trieste, Trieste, Italy
36University of Birmingham, Birmingham, United Kingdom
37INFN, Genova, Italy
38Ritsumeikan University, Kyoto, Japan
39Qinetiq (United Kingdom), Farnborough, United Kingdom
40Lyon University, France
41École Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne, Lausanne, Switzerland
42Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Cambridge, United States
43Brookhaven National Laboratory, Upton, United States
44SCIPP/UCSC, Santa Cruz, USA

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Tài liệu tham khảo

S. Giani, et al., Geant4: An object-oriented toolkit for simulation in HEP, CERN/LHCC 98-44, 1998.

Geant4 Web page:

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See MOU document at the Geant4 Web page [1] under Organization.

See User Documents at the Geant4 Web page [1] under Documentation.

See Hypernews system at the Geant4 Web page [1] under User Forum.

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(See also:

T. Johnson, Java Analysis Studio (JAS) 3.0, Proceedings of the CHEP 2001 Conference, Bejing (China), September 2001.

(See also:

H. Yoshida, T. Kodama, S. Sei, H. Kurashige, Proceedings of the CHEP 2000 Conference, Padova, Italy, February 2000.

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G. Barrand, et al., Abstract interfaces for data analysis: component architecture for data analysis tools, Proceedings of the CHEP 2001 Conference, Bejing, China, CERN-IT-2001-013, September 2001.

(See also:

O. Couet, et al., ANAPHE—OO Libraries and tools for data analysis, CERN-IT-2001-012; Proceedings of the CHEP 2001 Conference, Bejing, China, September 2001. (See also:

G. Barrand, OPACS and data analysis; Proceedings of the CHEP ’98 Conference, Chicago, September 1998.

(See also:

S. Tanaka, K. Hashimoto, Proceedings of the CHEP ’98 Conference, Chicago, September 1998.