Future Changes in the Surface Water Balance over Western Canada Using the CanESM5 (CMIP6) Ensemble for the Shared Socioeconomic Pathways 5 Scenario
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The Prairie provinces of Canada have about 80% of Canada’s agricultural land and contribute to more than 90% of the nation’s wheat and canola production. A future change in the surface water balance over this region could seriously affect Canada’s agro-economy. In this study, we examined 25 ensemble members of historical (1975 to 2005), near future (2021–2050), far future (2050–2080), and end of the century (2080–2100) simulations of the Canadian Earth System Model version 5 (CanESM5) from the Coupled Model Intercomparison Project Phase 6 (CMIP6). A comprehensive analysis of a new Net Water Balance Index (NWBI) indicates an increased growing season dryness despite increased total precipitation over the Prairie provinces. Evapotranspiration increases by 100–300 mm with a 10–20% increase in moisture loss due to transpiration. Total evaporation decreases by 15–20% as the fractional contribution of evaporation from soil decreases by 20–25%. Total evaporation from vegetation increases by 10–15%. These changes in the surface water balance suggest enhanced plant productivity when soil moisture is sufficient, but evaporative water loss that exceeds precipitation in most years.
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Tài liệu tham khảo
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