Freeing educational resources
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It may appear that this paper poses a dilemma for an existing institution dependent for support upon other institutions, among which many of the most powerful are dedicated to the maintenance of privilege rather than to the equalization of educational opportunity. In major part this charge must be admitted. Nevertheless, there are in every institution degrees of freedom. Many individuals, occupying key roles in all of the most powerful institutions in the world, are deeply ambivalent. They recognize that the present struggle for power and privilege cannot long continue its present course and even that any such continuance is fraught with grave dangers for mankind. Furthermore, the ideologies which most institutions propound already express the values which these institutions subvert in operation, and the proclamation of these ideologies is not wholly hypocritical. There is room for manoeuvre, therefore, and while not everything is possible, much can be done to free educational resources from their present shackles, and even to use them in weakening these shackles further.