Fredholm pseudo-gradients for the action functional on a sub-manifold of dual Legendrian curves of a three dimensional contact manifold (M3, α)

Arabian Journal of Mathematics - Tập 3 - Trang 189-198 - 2014
A. Bahri1
1Rutgers, Department of Mathematics, The State University of New Jersey, Piscataway, USA

Tóm tắt

We prove in this paper that the intersection numbers between periodic orbits have an intrinsic meaning for the variational problem (J,C β ) {Bahri (Pseudo-Orbits of Contact Forms Pitman Research Notes in Mathematics Series No. 173, 1984), Bahri (C R Acad Sci Paris 299, Serie I 15:757–760, 1984), Bahri (Classical and Quantic periodic motions of multiply polarized spin-manifolds. Pitman Research Notes in Mathematics Series No. 378, 1998)}, corresponding to the periodic orbit problem on a sub-manifold of the loop space of a three dimensional compact contact manifold (M, α).

Tài liệu tham khảo

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