Food and habitat partitioning in grazing snails (Turbo smaragdus), Northern New Zealand

Springer Science and Business Media LLC - Tập 30 - Trang 431-440 - 2007
Andrea C. Alfaro1, Severine E. Dewas1, François Thomas1
1Division of Applied Sciences, Faculty of Health and Environmental Sciences, Auckland University of Technology, Auckland, New Zealand

Tóm tắt

Gut content analyses and fatty acid profiles were used to identity food consumption and assimilation in a dominant grazing snail (Turbo smaragdus) in rocky shore and estuarine habitats, at Waiwera Estuary, northern New Zealand. Gut contents of freshly collected individuals indicated that snails utilize a wide range of food sources within their habitats, including microalgae and foliose-corticated macrophytes (rocky intertidal), and mangrove tissue and filamentous algae (mangrove stand). Laboratory feeding experiments revealed thatT. smaragdus prefers microalgae and possibly filamentous epiphytes, regardless of snail size or habitat of origination. The fatty acid profiles of snails fed different diets (brown algae [Hormosira banksii], diatoms, mangrove pneumatophores, and filamentous green algae [Chaetomorpha sp.]) confirmed the assimilation of the given foods, except for the mangrove treatment, which resulted in a low, long chain, fatty acid (LCFA) signature. Incongruities between the gut content analyses (high number of mangrove particles) and fatty acid profiles (low LCFA signature) of field and laboratory snails exposed to a mangrove diet suggest that snails target microalgal and filamentous epiphyte food sources on the pneumatophores and inadvertently ingest mangrove particles. Snails within all food treatments, except diatoms, had a relatively strong bacterial signature (18∶1n–7, Σ15+Σ17). Bacteria may have readily accumulated in the experimental tanks and been selected by snails as an alternative food source. In the field, snails and other grazers may ingest detritus and biofilms to access dense populations of bacteria. This research highlights the need for a comprehensive and multianalytical approach to elucidate the role of grazers in algal-plant dominated ecosystems.

Tài liệu tham khảo

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