Flood risk analysis: causes and landscape based mitigation strategies in Dire Dawa city, Ethiopia

Geoenvironmental Disasters - Tập 5 - Trang 1-19 - 2018
Sitotaw Haile Erena1, Hailu Worku2
1School of Geography and Environmental Studies, Haramaya University, Dire Dawa, Ethiopia
2Ethiopian Institute of Architecture, Building Construction and City Development, Addis Ababa University, Addis Ababa, Ethiopia

Tóm tắt

In flood prone areas, understanding flood causing factors, assessing the flood induced risks and adopting landscape based mitigation strategies can increase the knowledge, awareness and individual initiatives to protect themselves and their properties using appropriate flood management measures before and during flood events. Dire Dawa city is located in the foothill of southern mountains from where rivers crossing the city are originated. The multidimensional causes of flood hazard and limited landscape based mitigation strategies in the study area have worsen the impacts of flooding. This study was conducted in the Dire Dawa city watershed with the aims of assessing flood causing factors and to propose landscape based flood mitigation strategies. To meet the intended objectives, the study employed the collection of both primary and secondary data. The primary data were collected from 110 households located in flood vulnerable villages. Moreover, the secondary data were collected from the Ethiopian Meteorology Agency, land use map of Dire Dawa city administration and government reports. Rainfall index method and descriptive statistics were used for analysis of primary data. The former was used to check the effect of intense rainfall and flood risk in terms of different duration yearly, monthly, daily and hourly basis, while the latter was used for identification of various factors precipitating flood risks of the study area. The analysis of secondary data employed morphometric analysis so as to identify flood susceptible sub-watersheds. Findings of the study indicated that flood risk in the study area has resulted from multiple factors such as intense rainfall, topography, encroachment to the river banks, institutional problems and aggravating factors resulted from power interruption during heavy rain and regime changes. More importantly, flood risk of the study area was found to be sensitive to hourly variation of rainfall distributions and varies on the location of the sub-watersheds. Following that, flood susceptibility of sub-watershed was ranked based on linear and shape morphometric parameters where higher values of linear and lower values of shape parameters were attributed to high flooding risk. Based on the prioritization of sub-watersheds’ susceptibility to flood risk through morphometric analysis, sub-watershed 5 and 18 were identified as the most flood risk susceptible watersheds demanding urgent landscape-based conservation measures. To this end suitable sites and sustainable water conservation structures are identified across the watersheds. Check dams, terracing, nala bunds, percolation tanks and storage tanks were proposed for different locations across the watershed as effective landscape-based flood risk mitigation strategies. The overall results of the study shows that managing the root causes of flooding at the upper catchments and adopting recommended proposed water conservation structures at proposed site helps to sustainably curb flood induced risks of Dire Dawa city.

Tài liệu tham khảo

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