Flexibility Grave – Partial Reproduction Focus and Closed System Fetishism in CJEU, Pelham

Martin Senftleben1
1Ph.D, Professor of Intellectual Property Law, Institute for Information Law (IViR), University of Amsterdam, Amsterdam, The Netherlands

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In the ongoing discussion about the impact of fundamental rights on EU copyright law, thePelhamjudgment of the Court of Justice of the European Union (CJEU) has received much attention. However, the decision also raises important legal-doctrinal issues. The CJEU employs the harmonized right of reproduction as a vehicle to regulate adaptations of pre-existing source material. Moreover, the Court insists on a balancing of interests within the EU matrix of exclusive rights and limitations. The closed list of limitations in EU copyright law, however, can hardly be expected to offer sufficient breathing space for adaptation scenarios. As the Information Society Directive did not harmonize the right of adaptation, there was no need to include indispensable free adaptation rules that have evolved at the national level, such as the German “free use” doctrine. Instead of embracing national rules of equity and fairness to fill the gap, the CJEU is reluctant to borrow from the legal traditions of EU Member States and misses an important opportunity to provide guidance for the regulation of adaptations outside the sound sampling arena. After an introduction to the German “Metall auf Metall” saga that led to thePelhamdecision, the following analysis sheds light on these developments in EU copyright law and discusses problems arising from the approach taken by the CJEU.

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