Flame resolved simulation of a turbulent premixed bluff-body burner experiment. Part II: A-priori and a-posteriori investigation of sub-grid scale wrinkling closures in the context of artificially thickened flame modeling

Combustion and Flame - Tập 180 - Trang 340-350 - 2017
Fabian Proch1, Pascale Domingo2, Luc Vervisch2, Andreas M. Kempf1
1Chair of Fluid Dynamics, Institute for Combustion and Gasdynamics (IVG), University of Duisburg-Essen, Duisburg 47048, Germany
2CORIA - CNRS, Normandie Université, INSA de Rouen, Technopole du Madrillet, BP 8, 76801 Saint-Etienne-du-Rouvray, France

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