First feeding of freshwater fish larvae with live feed versus compound diets: a meta-analysis
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A meta-analysis of published results was used to quantify differences in mortality and growth of freshwater fish larvae when live feed was replaced by compound diets at first feeding. A mean relative risk of 2.4560 (95% confidence interval = 2.0879–2.8891), calculated with 75 observations from 47 studies conducted with 27 freshwater fish species according to a random effects model, indicated that larvae fed on compound diets have a 2.5 times higher chance to die than those fed on live feed. Compared to Artemia nauplii as sole live feed, compound diets were more effective (causing a lower mortality) when replacing zooplankton other than Artemia nauplii. A mean effect size (Hedges’ d) of −3.1813 (95% confidence interval = −3.8099 to −2.5527), calculated (random effects model) from 51 values determined in 33 studies with 21 fish species, represents the size of the negative effect that compound diets would have on growth of larvae. Numerical differences obtained in this study could be use to monitor future development of larval diets.
Tài liệu tham khảo
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