Finite-volume enabled transformation field analysis of periodic materials

Marcio A. A. Cavalcante1, Marek-Jerzy Pindera1
1Civil & Environmental Engineering Department, University of Viginia, Charlottesville, USA

Tóm tắt

The transformation field analysis (TFA) proposed by Dvorak et al. in a sequence of papers in the 1990s is an important conceptual cornerstone of the elastic–plastic analysis of heterogeneous materials. However, the need for highly discretized unit cells required to attain converged homogenized response using finite-element based calculation of the plastic influence matrices employed in TFA simulations has given rise to further developments, including the recent nonlinear TFA approach. This variant leverages characteristic plastic modes that arise in elastic–plastic heterogeneous materials. Herein, we re-visit the TFA approach in the context of periodic materials with large phase moduli contrast, and first quantify the unit cell discretization required to attain the same level of convergence as with full unit cell finite-element based analysis. Subsequently we demonstrate that the finite-volume based calculation of strain concentration and plastic influence matrices requires substantially smaller unit cell discretizations to achieve the same degree of macroscopic and microscopic level accuracy, resulting in large execution time reductions and fewer parameters that describe the underpinning plastic deformation mechanisms. Further reductions may be achieved by explicitly leveraging plastic field localization that assumes distinct spatial distributions or characteristic modes.

Tài liệu tham khảo

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