Fine structure of resting and germinatingPenicillium chrysogenum conidiospores
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The fine structure of resting and germinating conidia ofPenicillium chrysogenum has been examined by electron microscopy. In addition to enlargement of the cells, a number of changes in ultrastructure become evident as morphogenesis proceeds. The newly synthesized germ tube is continuous with the corresponding layers of the conidial wall. Some conidial wall layers, however, do not extend into the hyphal wall. Several sections showing initial septum synthesis suggest that a septal pore is not a necessary structural entity. A characteristic orientation of the initial septum formed after germination is described. Aside from numerical considerations, no significant changes occur in nuclei, mitochondria, or ribosomes. The electron micrographs illustrate the presence of spherosomes, lomasomes, and nucleoli; the possible significance of these structures is discussed.
Tài liệu tham khảo
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