Features of the Spatial Distribution of a Beam of Whistler-Range Radiation Incident on the Nighttime Ionosphere from above
Tóm tắt
The problem of numerical calculation of the spatial dependence of a whistler-radiation beam incident on the nighttime ionosphere from above is considered. For the calculations, we used the collocation method to solve the boundary value problem, the matrix algorithm for the approximate solution of wave equations in a smoothly inhomogeneous plane-layered plasma, and the method of fast Fourier transform in horizontal coordinates. The features of the spatial distribution of the wave field are analyzed for various characteristics of the incident radiation. The fractions of the radiation energy reflected from the upper boundary of the ionosphere that reaches the Earth’s surface are calculated. The wave electric field at an altitude of 400 km, the spatial distribution of the transverse magnetic field, and the polarization of radiation near the Earth’s surface are compared. The results are important for the comparison of the properties of ELF/VLF emissions observed on satellites and on the Earth.
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