Failure behavior of heat-affected zones within HSLA-100 and HY-100 steel weldments

D. Chae1, C. J. Young2, D. M. Goto3, D. A. Koss4
1Stainless Steel Research Group, Technical Research Laboratories, Pohang Iron & Steel Co., Ltd., Pohang, Kyungbuk, Republic of Korea
2at 6701 King Court, Woodbridge
3Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory, Livermore
4the Department of Materials Science and Engineering, The Pennsylvania State University, University Park

Tóm tắt

The deformation and fracture behavior of simulated heat-affected zones (HAZ) within HSLA-100 and HY-100 steel weldments has been studied as a function of stress state using notched and unnotched axisymmetric tensile specimens. For the case of the HSLA-100 steel, the results for fine-grained, as well as coarse-grain HAZ (CGHAZ) material, show that, despite large differences in the deformation behavior when compared to base plate or weld metal, the failure strains are only weakly dependent on the thermal history or microstructure. Ductile microvoid fracture dominates the failure of the HSLA-100 steel with small losses of ductility occurring in the HAZ conditions only at high stress triaxialities. In contrast, the HY-100 steel is susceptible to a large loss of ductility over all of the stress states when subjected to a severe, single-pass simulation of a CGHAZ. The ductility loss is greatest at the high stress triaxiality ratio in which case failure initiation occurs by a combination of localized cleavage and ductile microvoid fracture.

Tài liệu tham khảo

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