Factors influencing work-satisfaction of global garments supply chain workers in Bangladesh
Tóm tắt
The purpose of this study is to assess different factors under the Bangladesh labour legislation for promoting work-satisfaction of the global garment workers in Bangladesh. A convenient sampling technique was used for collecting 208 employee responses through a five-point Likert scale structured questionnaire. The respondents were garments-manufacturing industry workers working in three hot spots known as towns of Savar and Ashulia (Dhaka District) and Gazipur Sadar (Gazipur District). The survey was conducted between November and December, 2019. This research study finds that seven factors significantly influence work-satisfaction of garment workers in Bangladesh. Among these, four are related to the non-pecuniary factors: supervisory treatment of the workers, working environment, hygienic canteen facility, and medical facility. The three other factors, namely, the amount of salary, timely payment of salary and increment policy for the workers, play a significant part in workers’ satisfaction. This study helps in assessing the opinions of the workers about their work-satisfaction as well as policy planning for the development of the garments-manufacturing industry. Also, this study will add value to the setting of South Asian developing countries and industries because of the similar socio-economic environment to Bangladesh.
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