Factors influencing small and medium size enterprises development and digital maturity in Latin America

Elsevier BV - Tập 9 - Trang 100069 - 2023
Lizbeth A. Gonzalez-Tamayo1, Greeni Maheshwari2, Adriana Bonomo-Odizzio3, Margarita Herrera-Avilés4, Catherine Krauss-Delorme5
1Universidad de Monterrey, Engineering and Technology School, San Pedro Garza Garcia, Mexico
2RMIT University, Department of Management, The Business School, Ho Chi Minh City, Viet Nam
3Universidad Católica del Uruguay, Business Faculty and Ithaka Center for Entrepreneurship and Innovation, Montevideo, Uruguay
4Tecnologico de Monterrey, Business School, Monterrey, N.L., Mexico
5Universidad Católica del Uruguay, Administration and Business Department and Ithaka Center for Entrepreneurship and Innovation, Montevideo, Uruguay

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