Factors influencing organizational agility in higher education

Benchmarking - Tập 28 Số 1 - Trang 307-332 - 2021
Shalini Menon1, M. Suresh1
1Amrita School of Business, Amrita Vishwa Vidyapeetham, Coimbatore, India

Tóm tắt


The purpose of this paper is to explore the factors that can facilitate agility in higher education and to analyze the interrelationship between the factors.


A structured model of factors facilitating agility in higher education was developed using total interpretive structural modeling (TISM). Cross-impact matrix multiplication (MICMAC) analysis helped in classifying the factors on the basis of their driving and dependency power.


An extensive literature review and expert opinion helped in identifying eight enablers that can promote agility in higher education. The ability to sense the environment, organizational structure, adoption of ICT, organizational learning, human resource strategies, leadership, readiness to change and collaboration with the stakeholders were the eight factors identified. The structural model revealed leadership as the most crucial enabler followed by human resource strategies and organizational structure.

Research limitations/implications

The model has incorporated and prioritized all the crucial drivers of agility that can help universities and colleges design, adopt and implement policies and practices that would facilitate agility.


So far, the research on agility in higher education has looked into each factor in isolation. This research provides a comprehensive list of the factors and establishes the interplay between the factors making this study new and original.

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