Factor structure and psychometric properties of the Spanish version of the Body Image Avoidance Questionnaire (BIAQ)

Cristina Senín-Calderón1, José L. Santos-Morocho2, Juan F. Rodríguez-Testal3
1Department of Psychology, University of Cádiz, Cádiz, Spain
2Department of Psychology, University of Cuenca, Cuenca, Ecuador
3Personality, Evaluation and Psychological Treatment Department, University of Seville, Seville, Spain

Tóm tắt

The main objective of this study was to analyse the factor structure and psychometric properties of a Spanish validation of the Body Image Avoidance Questionnaire (BIAQ) in a community sample of adolescents. A total of 4283 people (55.9% girls, aged 12–18) participated. Confirmatory factor analysis corroborated four first-order factors related to a second-order factor including the total BIAQ score, with excellent fit and invariance across sex. The total internal consistency of the questionnaire was adequate, although two factors showed low reliability. Strong relationships were found with scales evaluating preoccupation with weight and dysmorphic concerns, and moderate correlations with dissatisfaction and investment in appearance. It was found that 24.06% of adolescents with body image disturbance could be at risk of developing a body image disorder. The results of this study support the use of the Spanish translation of the BIAQ for assessing behavioural characteristic of body image disturbance. V, cross-sectional descriptive study.

Tài liệu tham khảo

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