FMICA: Future Mobility and Imminent Computation-Aware Task Offloading in Vehicular Fog Environment

Niharika Keshari1, Dinesh Singh1
1Motilal Nehru National Institute of Technology Allahabad, Prayagraj, India

Tóm tắt

Vehicular fog computing (VFC) is a technology that enhances vehicular applications by offloading the task of the resource-restricted vehicle to the resourceful fog node (vehicle or static fog node). The mobility of vehicles leads to various challenges in task offloading, i.e., low successful offloading ratio, high response time, etc. Apart from this, the available idle computation resource at the fog node is different at the time of advertisement of computation capability and at the time of task allocation. This change results in less efficient resource utilization and unequal load balance at the fog node. Hence to overcome this, we have proposed an approach based on future mobility and imminent computation awareness (FMICA). The future mobility prediction allows us to offload the task to the fog node, which will be near during task retrieval . Additionally, imminent computation awareness of the available resources (at the imminent time $$\tau $$ ) allows us to efficiently utilize the idle resources through offloading higher deadline tasks at the $$\tau $$ time. FMICA optimizes resources according to various criteria such as offloading delay, load variance, within-range ratio, and successful offloading ratio using a Strength Pareto Evolutionary Algorithm 2 (SPEA2). An order preference by similarity to the ideal solution (TOPSIS) and multiple criteria decision-making (MCDM) technique is used to select the best solution. Through the experimental analysis, we have found that the FMICA has an improvement of 37.64%, 25.57%, 9.96%, and 12.62% in metrics average response time, successful offloading ratio, resource utilization, and average load variance against available approach, respectively.

Tài liệu tham khảo

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