Extracting the qualitative dimensions of agritourism for the sustainable development of Charqoli village in Iran: the promotion of vernacular entrepreneurship and environment-oriented preservation perspectives
Tóm tắt
Agritourism is one of the strategies that has been proposed in recent decades for the sustainable development of rural areas and the diversification of the rural economy. The purpose of this study was to investigate the sustainability of Charqoli village in Iran by examining and identifying the role of agritourism in entrepreneurship and paying attention to the role of conservation, cultural, social, and vernacular values of this type of tourism. Therefore, using a qualitative research method, that of grounded theory, different dimensions of agritourism for sustainable rural development in line with research objectives were investigated. The results showed that agritourism is related to six general dimensions: socio-cultural, economic, agricultural, environmental, physical and planning, which results in two perspectives: first, the entrepreneurial role of agritourism as a new strategy in rural development, and second, agritourism with a protectionist perspective with an “environment-oriented preservation” view. Based on the achieved findings, it was shown that agritourism emphasizes on the preserving vernacular architecture of the village in order to conserve the environmental values of the region, which is one of the goals of sustainable development, and finally, a model was proposed for the sustainable development of agritourism, which declares that “educating local individuals” should be the first priority in rural developmental planning.
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