Extracorporeal Membrane Oxygenation in Acute Respiratory Failure
Tóm tắt
Venovenous (VV) extracorporeal membrane oxygenation (ECMO) is a form of mechanical life support that provides full respiratory bypass in patients with severe respiratory failure as a bridge to recovery or lung transplantation. The use of ECMO for respiratory failure and capable centers offering ECMO has expanded over the years, increasing its availability. As VV-ECMO provides an artificial mechanism for oxygenation and decarboxylation of native blood, it allows for an environment in which safer mechanical ventilatory care may be provided, allowing for treatment and resolution of underlying respiratory pathologies. Landmark clinical trials have provided a framework for better understanding patient selection criteria, resource utilization, and outcomes associated with ECMO when applied in settings of refractory respiratory failure. Maintaining close vigilance and management of complications during ECMO as well as identifying strategies post-ECMO (e.g., recovery, transplantation, etc.), are critical to successful ECMO support. In this review, we examine considerations for candidate selection for VV-ECMO, review the evidence of utilizing VV-ECMO in respiratory failure, and provide practical considerations for managing respiratory ECMO patients, including complication identification and management, as well as assessing for the ability to separate from ECMO support and the procedures for decannulation.
Tài liệu tham khảo
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