Expression and genetic variation of theAplysia egg-laying hormone gene family in the atrial gland

Invertebrate Neuroscience - Tập 2 - Trang 261-271 - 1997
Alexander Kurosky1, Edwin L. Gorham1, Walter R. A. Van Heumen2, Anna T. Garcia1, John S. Smith1, Randy C. Mifflin1
1Department of Human Biological Chemistry and Genetics, The University of Texas Medical Branch, Galveston, USA
2Department of Physiology and Pharmacology, Vision Touch and Hearing Research Centre, University of Queensland, St. Lucia, Australia

Tóm tắt

We have screened anAplysia atrial gland cDNA library using an egg-laying hormone (ELH) precursor probe and have isolated and characterized five different clones, four of which are full-length and approximately 0.8 kb in size. The characterization of these cDNA clones firmly established the genetic variation of the ELH-related precursors expressed in the atrial gland and provided a rational basis for their revised nomenclature proposed herein. The five precursor ELH-related cDNA sequences obtained predicted the following genetically distinct polypeptide precursors designated as: A, [Asp143]A, [Glu94,Gln139]A, [Pro25]B, and [Phe96,Asp107]Bt. The [Phe96,Asp107]Bt cDNA sequence predicted a truncated form of a B-type precursor. Northern blot analysis of atrial gland RN A identified two transcripts of about equal intensity of 0.9 kb and 1.1kb. Polymerase chain reaction of genomic DNA, together with DNA sequence analysis, resolved previously reported discrepancies between genomic and cDNA sequences of the ELH-related precursors. Taken together the results obtained identified the expression of five ELH-related precursor genes in the atrial gland ofAplysia from at least two genetic loci per haploid genome.

Tài liệu tham khảo

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