Exposure of the general French population to herbicides, pyrethroids, organophosphates, organochlorines, and carbamate pesticides in 2014–2016: Results from the Esteban study

Romuald Tagne-Fotso1, Abdelkrim Zeghnoun1, Abdessattar Saoudi1, Anita Balestier1, Marie Pecheux1, Laura Chaperon1, Amivi Oleko1, Philippe Marchand2, Bruno Le Bizec2, Ludivine Vattier3, Valérie Bouchart3, Gwendolina Limon4, Florent Le Gléau4, Sébastien Denys1, Clémence Fillol1
1Santé Publique France, The National Public Health Agency, 12 Rue Du Val D’Osne, Saint-Maurice Cedex, 94415, France
2LABERCA, INRAE, Oniris, Nantes, France
3LABÉO, Saint Contest, Caen, France
4LABOCEA, Plouzané, France

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