Exposure assessment of 17α‐ethinylestradiol in surface waters of the United States and Europe

Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry - Tập 28 Số 12 - Trang 2725-2732 - 2009
Robert E. Hannah1, Vincent J. D’Aco2, Paul Anderson3, Mary Buzby4, Daniel J. Caldwell5, Virginia Cunningham6, Jon F. Ericson7, Andrew C. Johnson8, Neil J. Parke9, John Samuelian10, John P. Sumpter11
1GlaxoSmithKline, One Franklin Plaza, 200 North 16th Street, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania 19102, USA
2Quantum Management Group, 1187 Main Avenue, Clifton, New Jersey 07011, USA
3AMEC Earth&Environmental, 2 Robbins Road, Westford, Massachusetts 01886, USA
4Merck, Two Merck Drive, Whitehouse Station, New Jersey 08889, USA
5Johnson&Johnson, 410 George Street, New Brunswick, New Jersey 08901, USA
6Sustainability Sciences LLC, 126 Moonflower Road, Hatboro, Pennsylvania 19040, USA
7Pfizer, Pfizer Global Research and Development, Eastern Point Road, Groton, Connecticut 06340, USA
8Centre for Ecology and Hydrology, Wallingford, Oxon OX10 8BB, United Kingdom
9Eli Lilly and Company, Lilly Corporate Center, Indianapolis, Indiana 46285, USA
10AMEC Earth&Environmental, 15 Franklin Street, Portland, Maine 04101, USA
11Institute for the Environment, Brunei University, Uxbridge, Middlesex UB8 3PH, United Kingdom

Tóm tắt

AbstractAn evaluation of measured and predicted concentrations of 17α‐ethinylestradiol in surface waters of the United States and Europe was conducted to develop expected long‐term exposure concentrations for this compound. Measured environmental concentrations (MECs) in surface waters were identified from the literature. Predicted environmental concentrations (PECs) were generated for European and U.S. watersheds using the GREAT‐ER and PhATE™ models, respectively. The majority of MECs are nondetect and generally consistent with model PECs and conservative mass balance calculations. However, the highest MECs are not consistent with concentrations derived from conservative (worst‐case) mass balance estimates or model PECs. A review of analytical methods suggests that tandem or high‐resolution mass spectrometry methods with extract cleanup result in lower detection limits and lower reported concentrations consistent with model predictions and bounding estimates. Based on model results using PhATE and GREAT‐ER, the 90th‐percentile low‐flow PECs in surface water are approximately 0.2 and 0.3 ng/L for the United States and Europe, respectively. These levels represent conservative estimates of long‐term exposure that can be used for risk assessment purposes. Our analysis also indicates that average concentrations are one to two orders of magnitude lower than these 90th‐percentile estimates. Higher reported concentrations (e.g., greater than the 99th‐percentile PEC of ∼1 ng/L) could result from methodological problems or unusual environmental circumstances; however, such concentrations are not representative of levels generally found in the environment, warrant special scrutiny, and are not appropriate for use in risk assessments of long‐term exposures.

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Tài liệu tham khảo




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