Exploring a framework for comprehensive and successful preservation management in libraries

Journal of Documentation - Tập 68 Số 3 - Trang 353-377 - 2012
MajaKrtalić1, DamirHasenay1
1Department of Information Sciences, Faculty of Philosophy, University of Osijek, Osijek, Croatia

Tóm tắt

PurposeThis paper aims to explore a theoretical and methodological approach to preservation management in libraries, relying on the basic presumption that preservation is a complex and comprehensive process that involves many different and seemingly diverse aspects whose efficiency lies in preservation management.Design/methodology approachUsing a case study of Croatia, the paper describes a methodology for exploring the general preservation management context and presents a preservation management model that comprises five key components.FindingsThe paper offers insight into preservation management issues in a specific national context.Research limitations/implicationsAlthough this paper focuses primarily on written heritage in libraries, it is applicable to other types of heritage and to other types of information institutions.Practical implicationsThe theoretical and methodological approach presented in this paper and described in the example of Croatia can be useful for exploring similar issues in other countries. It can be expanded to other types and forms of heritage and heritage institutions.Originality/valueThe paper describes a model of organising preservation activities into an efficient and successful preservation system, and establishes a methodology for exploring diverse preservation issues on national and institutional levels.

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