Explaining Rarity of the Dry Grassland Perennial Astragalus exscapus
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In Central Europe several plant species of dry grasslands are particularly rare. Here I investigate whether habitat requirements, reproduction, and dispersal potential can contribute to the rarity of Astragalus exscapus (Fabaceae) growing in dry grassland habitats in dry regions of Europe. In addition, I question whether historic events might have contributed to the present-day rarity of A. exscapus. To assess habitat requirements of A. exscapus, vegetation composition and soil characteristics were studied in 37 populations in central Germany. Production and dispersal potential of seeds were investigated in 10 populations, and germination and recruitment were assessed in experimental plots in three populations. Vegetation of the habitats included most dry grassland community types occurring in the central German dry region indicating a broad ecological niche of the species within dry subcontinental grasslands. Soil characteristics of the habitats also spanned a wide range. Seed production was moderate. 98% of the seeds sown in the laboratory germinated whereas under natural conditions 20% of the seeds developed seedlings. Half of these seedlings survived for one year but only 4.5% for two years. 90% of the seeds were dispersed less than 50 cm distance indicating a low dispersal potential. I conclude that A. exscapus is mainly limited in dispersal but recruitment limitation might also be important in explaining its rarity. Furthermore, former climate change and postglacial reforestation of the area very likely contribute to the rarity of A. exscapus.
Tài liệu tham khảo
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