Expert-level detection of pathologies from unannotated chest X-ray images via self-supervised learning

Nature Biomedical Engineering - Tập 6 Số 12 - Trang 1399-1406
Ekin Tiu1, Ellie Talius1, Pujan R. Patel1, Curtis P. Langlotz2, Andrew Y. Ng1, Pranav Rajpurkar3
1Stanford University Department of Computer Science, Stanford, CA, USA
2AIMI Center, Stanford University, Palo Alto, CA, USA
3Department of Biomedical Informatics, Harvard University, Boston, MA, USA

Tóm tắt


In tasks involving the interpretation of medical images, suitably trained machine-learning models often exceed the performance of medical experts. Yet such a high-level of performance typically requires that the models be trained with relevant datasets that have been painstakingly annotated by experts. Here we show that a self-supervised model trained on chest X-ray images that lack explicit annotations performs pathology-classification tasks with accuracies comparable to those of radiologists. On an external validation dataset of chest X-rays, the self-supervised model outperformed a fully supervised model in the detection of three pathologies (out of eight), and the performance generalized to pathologies that were not explicitly annotated for model training, to multiple image-interpretation tasks and to datasets from multiple institutions.

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