Experimental study on utilization of Organic Waste Ash in concrete mixtures
Tóm tắt
In many of the third world countries, organic wastes have one of the main rations of total produced wastes, yet recycling programs are concentrated on the metal and plastic materials due to their high prices. Application of residual of the combustion of organic wastes instead of cement can lead to lower final costs, and at the same time it will reduce environmental pollution due to landfilling them. This paper contains an experimental study on the effects of using different percentages (5, 8 and 12) of Organic Waste Ash (OWA) instead of cement by weight on the mechanical properties and ductility of concrete specimens. Although XRF test results showed that organic waste is not a pozzolanic substance, but no severe long-term threats on the mechanical properties of concrete specimens was observed. Results showed that 5% of OWA instead of cement by weight leads to optimum performance.
Tài liệu tham khảo
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