Experimental apparatus for generating quantum degenerate gases of ytterbium atoms

Journal of the Korean Physical Society - Tập 67 - Trang 1719-1725 - 2015
Min-Seok Kim1, Moosong Lee1, Jeong Ho Han1, Yong-il Shin1
1Department of Physics and Astronomy, and Institute of Applied Physics, Seoul National University, Seoul, Korea

Tóm tắt

We describe our experimental apparatus for generating quantum degenerate gases of bosonic 174Yb and fermionic 173Yb atoms. We use a Zeeman slower to generate a slow atomic beam and collect atoms in a magneto-optical trap formed by 556-nm laser beams without frequency modulations. Laser-cooled ytterbium atoms are transferred to a crossed optical dipole trap and evaporatively cooled to quantum degeneracy. Our system generates a Bose-Einstein condensate containing over 6 × 104 174Yb atoms or a degenerate Fermi gas of about 7 × 104 173Yb atoms at T/T F =0.8(1), where T F is the Fermi temperature of the gas. We highlight the high performance of the Zeeman slower and the home-made frequency-doubling systems for 399-nm and 556-nm lasers.

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