Experimental and numerical investigation of flexural behavior of non-uniform thin-walled beams under three-point loading

S. Chahardoli1
1Mechanical Engineering Department, Bu-Ali Sina University, Hamedan, Iran

Tóm tắt

Side beams are among various types of structures used for reinforcing the safety of automobiles against lateral collisions which have been widely explored. In this study, it was attempted to increment the energy absorption capacity of the beam by creating a non-uniform cross-section with a cosine function at the upper part of the beam. This study was conducted both experimentally and numerically. The numerical investigations were achieved by finite element software of LS-DYNA and the simulation results were validated by experimental three-point flexural tests. By creating a non-uniform cross-section, it was tried to augment the energy absorption capacity as much as possible. NSGA-III and MOEAD algorithms were also used for optimization purposes to select the best beam with superior efficiency. Obtained results showed that non-uniform thin-walled beams can increase specific energy absorption (SEA) of a simple beam up to 71%.

Tài liệu tham khảo

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