Experimental Study of the Mechanical Performance of Corrugated Steel Plate-Concrete Composite Structures
Tóm tắt
This paper presents a comparative study on the composite structure of Corrugated Steel Plate (CSP) with normal and rubberized concrete. One CSP-normal-concrete plate and two CSP arch structures composited with different concretes are established. A theoretical section-property deduction is derived, which demonstrated that the flexural rigidity of such composite structure increased notably. Static and dynamic mechanical experiments are also conducted. Experimental results agree with expectations, and the measured results on plate structures verified the effectiveness of the analytical and numerical solutions. Comparing the deflection of two composite arches shows that the rubberized concrete composite arch has smaller flexural and compressive stiffnesses, resulting in larger deflection. The rubberized concrete composite arch has higher steel stress, lower concrete stress and better energy-dissipating capacity compared with the normal concrete composite arch. Therefore, the CSP-rubberized concrete composite structure is more suitable for anti-shock and earthquake-resistant structures.
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