Experimental Study of the Cu2O-FeOx-CaO System in Equilibrium With Metallic Copper at 1200 °C to 1300 °C and at P(O2)s = 10−5 to 10−7 Atm

Svetlana Sineva1, Denis Shishin1, Р. В. Старых1, Maksym Shevchenko1, Evgueni Jak1
1Pyrometallurgy Innovation Centre (PYROSEARCH), School of Chemical Engineering, The University of Queensland, Brisbane, Australia

Tóm tắt


The experimental study of the phase equilibria between calcium ferrite slag, metallic copper, spinel and/or dicalcium ferrite in the Cu2O-FeO x -CaO system has been carried out. Effects of temperature, oxygen partial pressure and Fe/CaO ratio on phase assemblages and compositions have been estimated. The advanced experimental technique including high-temperature equilibration on primary phase substrates, rapid quenching of the samples and quantitative measurements of equilibrated phase compositions using electron probe X-ray microanalysis has been applied. Spinel and dicalcium ferrite substrates have been specially designed to study phase equilibria at certain primary phase fields. Obtained experimental results have been compared with thermodynamic assessment of the Cu2O-FeO x -CaO system and available literature data.

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