Exercise in Type 2 Diabetic Peripheral Neuropathy
Tóm tắt
Approximately half of all patients with type 2 diabetes develop peripheral neuropathy, which contributes to functional decline and significantly reduces quality of life. Type 2 diabetes and consequent diabetic peripheral neuropathy share several pathogenic mechanisms and are both positively influenced by increased physical activity and exercise even prior to disease diagnosis. Successful exercise interventions in individuals with diabetic peripheral neuropathy have employed continuous endurance, resistance, balance and agility, and high-intensity interval training protocols and have been associated with improvement in stability, gait, sensory function, nerve regeneration rates, pain, mood, and quality of life. Recent evidence has shown no increased prevalence of foot trauma in those with diabetic peripheral neuropathy suggesting that weight-bearing exercise is safe in the absence of active ulceration. While exercise is often associated with improved glycemic control, several studies suggest improvement in neuropathy is independent of improved glycemic control or weight reduction, suggesting other metabolic effects, or exercise-related physiologic changes are important.
Tài liệu tham khảo
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