Excitation of a cylindrical microstrip structure with arbitrarily shaped printed elements by a plane wave

A. E. Svezhentsev, V. V. Kryzhanovskii

Tóm tắt

The problem of excitation of a cylindrical microstrip structure by a plane wave is considered. The structure is a printed element on a circular dielectric substrate containing a coaxial metal cylinder. In the scattering regime, the structure under study adequately simulates a cylindrical microstrip antenna operating at resonance frequencies. The printed element is equivalent to the radiator of this antenna. The problem is solved in the spectral domain with the use of the method of moments and piecewise-specified basis functions. The effect of the radiator’s shape on the radar cross section of the structure is investigated. It is shown that a change in the radiator’s topology substantially affects the formation of new oscillation modes whose resonance frequencies noticeably shift to the lower frequency region from their positions in the case of a radiator having a rectangular cylindrical shape.

Tài liệu tham khảo

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