Excitation Energy Transfer in Cyanobacteria Synechocystis Embedded in Polymer Film and Partially Bleached by Polarized Irradiation
Tóm tắt
The polarized absorption, photoacoustic, fluorescence emission, and fluorescence excitation spectra of whole cells of cyanobacteria Synechocystis sp. embedded in a polymer film were measured. The bacteria cells, as it follows from anisotropy of absorption and fluorescence spectra, were even in a non-stretched polyvinyl alcohol film oriented to a certain extent. The measurements were done for such film in order to avoid the deformation of cyanobacteria shapes. Part of the samples was bleached by irradiation with strong polarized radiation with electric vector parallel to the orientation axis of cells. The anisotropy of photoacoustic spectra was higher than that of absorption spectra and it was stronger changed by the irradiation. Polarized fluorescence was excited in four wavelength regions characterised by different contribution to absorption from various bacteria pigments. The shapes of emission spectra were different depending on wavelength of excitation, polarization of radiation, and previous irradiation of the sample. The fluorescence spectra were analysed on Gaussian components belonging to various forms of pigments from photosystems (PS) 1 and 2. The results inform about excitation energy transfer between pools of pigments, differently oriented in the cells. Energy of photons absorbed by phycobilisomes was transferred predominantly to the chlorophyll of PS2, whereas photons absorbed by carotenoids to chlorophylls of PS1.
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