Examining disaster resilience perception of social media users during the billion-dollar hurricanes
Tóm tắt
This study investigates disaster resilience during major hurricane events by analyzing Twitter data. The study focuses on resilience-relevant tweets during major hurricanes from 2013 to 2020 in the USA that caused over 1 billion dollars in losses. The study explores variations in resilience perceptions across different racial, gender, and political groups, as well as the sentiment expressed in tweets during different phases of the disaster. Additionally, the study examines the alignment of Twitter discussions with the actual phases of the disasters from a spatiotemporal perspective. The findings highlight disparities in resilience perception among racial and gender groups, emphasizing the need for targeted approaches to promote inclusivity and equity in disaster resilience efforts. The importance of early awareness and preparedness is underscored, suggesting the significance of investing in forecasting and early alert systems to reduce the impact of disasters.
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