Evidence for the presence of Calbindin-D 28K (CaBP-28K) in the tibial growth cartilages of rats

Springer Science and Business Media LLC - Tập 245 - Trang 331-335 - 1986
N. Balmain1, A. Brehier1, P. Cuisinier-Gleizes1, H. Mathieu1
1INSERM Unité 120, Le Vésinet, France

Tóm tắt

The distribution of the vitamin-D dependent calcium-binding protein (Calbindin-D 28K) (CaBP-28K) in the tibial growth plate cartilage of the rat has been studied immunohistochemically using an antibody raised against rat renal CaBP-28K. The protein was detected mainly in the nuclei of chondrocytes and occasionally in the juxta-nuclear cytoplasm. The distribution was not uniform throughout the growth plate, but concentrated in the proliferatively active chondrocytes of the resting and proliferative zones. These findings raise the possibility that CaBP-28K may be involved in the mitotic activity of the chondrocytes, acting as a regulator of the proliferative process, perhaps via intranuclear calcium.

Tài liệu tham khảo

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