Evaluation of in vitro resistance of different 2.0-mm titanium plates on the mandibular angle sectioning
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The purpose of this study was to compare, by mechanical in vitro testing, a regular 5-hole plate and a long 4-hole plate with a regular 4-hole plate, applied to stabilize a simulated mandibular angle fracture. The plates from the 2.0-mm titanium-based system were adapted and stabilized passively in the same site in both groups using four screws, 6 mm long. During the resistance-to-load test, the force was applied perpendicular to the occlusal plane at three different points: first molar at the plated side, first molar at the contralateral side, and between the central incisors. The regular 5-hole plates and longer 4-hole plates were superior to the regular 4-hole plates. Furthermore, no statistically significant difference was found between the regular 5-hole plates and long 4-hole plate. The length and shape of plates did not interfere with the effectiveness to stabilize the fragments.
Tài liệu tham khảo
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