Estimation of respiratory volumes from the photoplethysmographic signal. Part I: experimental results

Medical & Biological Engineering & Computing - Tập 37 - Trang 42-47 - 1999
A. Johansson1, P. Å. Öberg1
1Department of Biomedical Engineering, Linköping University, Linköping, Sweden

Tóm tắt

To evaluate the possibility of respiratory-volume measurement using photoplethysmography (PPG), PPG signals from 16 normal volunteers are collected, and the respiratory-induced intensity variations (RIIV) are digitally extracted. The RIIV signals are studied while reepiratory volume is varied. Furthermore, respiratory rate, body posture and type of respiration are varied. A Fleisch pneumotachograph is used as the inspired volume reference. The RIIV and pneumotachography signals are compared, and a statisical analysis is performed (linear regression and t-tests). The key idea is that the amplitude of the RIIV signal is related to the respiratory volume. The conclusion from the measurements is that there exists a relationship between the amplitude of the RIIV signal and the respiratory volume (R=0.842, s=0.428, p<0.005). Absolute measurements of the respiratory volume are not possible from the RIIV signal with the present set-up. The RIIV signal also seems to be affected by respiratory rate and type. More knowledge about respiratory parameters and improved sensor and filter design are required to make absolute measurements of volumes possible.

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