Estimation of potential recharge through direct seeded and transplanted rice fields in semi-arid regions of Punjab using HYDRUS-1D

Paddy and Water Environment - Tập 20 - Trang 79-92 - 2021
Dinesh Gulati1, Sanjay Satpute1, Samanpreet Kaur1, Rajan Aggarwal1
1Department of Soil and Water Engineering, Punjab Agricultural University, Ludhiana, India

Tóm tắt

The present study utilizes soil water balance and HYDRUS-1D for estimating and predicting potential recharge in groundwater declining region of central Punjab, respectively. A field experiment was conducted at Punjab Agricultural University, Ludhiana. Two treatments viz direct-seeded (DSR) and transplanted rice (TPR) with three replications, were sown/transplanted during kharif season of 2019. The amount of water applied through rainfall/irrigation was recorded and bottom flux was measured using frequency domain reflectometry (FDR) and then predicted using HYDRUS-1D in order to assess potential groundwater recharge which was further compared with deep percolation determined using soil water balance. The performance of the HYDRUS-1D was evaluated using RMSE, NSE, and R2 and found to be performing well. The paired t-test (t = 1.28 and t = 1.30 for TPR and DSR, respectively) was found to be non-significant at P = 0.05 which showed the correspondence between predicted and estimated parameters. The percentage change between estimated and predicted potential groundwater recharge was found to be 0.7% and 2.32% in TPR and DSR, respectively. The study revealed that there was 9% water saving and 14.6% more deep percolation (cumulative bottom flux) in DSR as compared to TPR that may potentially contribute to groundwater recharge.

Tài liệu tham khảo

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