Estimating Willingness to Pay for River Amenities and Safety Measures Associated with Shale Gas Extraction

Eastern Economic Journal - Tập 39 - Trang 28-44 - 2012
Paula Bernstein1, Thomas C Kinnaman1, Mengqi Wu1
1Department of Economics, Bucknell University, Lewisburg, USA

Tóm tắt

This paper utilizes a Contingent Valuation Method survey of a random sample of residents to estimate that households are willing to pay an average of US$12.00 per month for public projects designed to improve river access and US$10.46 per month for additional safety measures that would eliminate risks to local watersheds from drilling for natural gas from underground shale formations. These estimates can be compared with the costs of providing each of these two amenities to help foster the formation of efficient policy decisions.

Tài liệu tham khảo

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