Estimates of the population pharmacokinetic parameters and performance of Bayesian feedback: A sensitivity analysis
Tóm tắt
We investigated the influence of bias in the estimates of the population pharmacokinetic parameters on the performance of Bayesian feedback in achieving a desired drug serum concentration. Three specific cases were considered (i) steady-state case, (ii) lidocaine example, and (iii) mexiletine example. Whereas in the first case both the feedback and the desired concentration represented steady-state values, in the lidocaine and mexiletine examples the feedback concentration was assumed to be sampled shortly after starting therapy. RMSE was used as a measure of predictive performance. For the simple steady-state case the relationship between RMSE and bias in the parameter estimates describing the prior distribution could be derived analytically. Monte Carlo simulations were used to explore the two non-steady-state situations. In general, the performance of Bayesian feedback to predict serum concentrations was relatively insensitive to bad population parameter estimates. However, large changes in RMSE could be observed with small changes in the true variance component parameters in particular in the intraindividual residual variance, σ
, indicating that the prediction interval, in contrast to point prediction, is sensitive to bias in the estimates of the population parameters.
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