Tóm tắt
The influence of environmental variability on body form and tissue structure
of Cinachyrella australiensis is reported for
populations from three sites within Darwin Harbour, Northern Territory,
Australia, that varied considerably in hydrological conditions. External
morphology of these sponges differed among sites ranging from typical
spherical shapes to flattened forms. A large proportion of dry weight
consisted of inorganic matter, i.e. silica spicules, varying between
62.9% and 78.2%. Sites with highest water velocity and sediment
size were significantly correlated with sponge populations having the greatest
inorganic content and lowest organic cellular content and the thickest oxea.
Thicker oxea may in part account for the higher structural content of sponges
at these sites. There was no significant difference in oxea length among
sites. It is concluded that sponges subjected to highly perturbed environs
with large water flow and sedimentation regimes may devote more energy to
spicule reinforcement relative to organic content. These robust sponges have
the potential to make an important structural contribution to their habitats.