Environmental Burden of Traditional Bioenergy Use
Tóm tắt
Approximately 40% of the global population relies on traditional bioenergy, accounting for 9% of global energy use and 55% of global wood harvest. However, knowledge about the environmental impacts of traditional bioenergy is fragmented. This review addresses several persistent questions and summarizes recent research on land cover change (LCC) and pollution emissions resulting from traditional bioenergy use. We also review recent studies analyzing transitions from traditional bioenergy to cleaner stoves and fuels.
Between 27 and 34% of the wood fuel harvest in 2009 was unsustainable, with large geographical variations. Almost 300 million rural people live in wood fuel “hotspots,” concentrated in South Asia and East Africa, creating risks of wood-fuel-driven degradation. Different fuels and stoves show variation in climate-forcing emissions. Many, but not all, nontraditional stoves result in lower emissions than traditional models. Traditional bioenergy makes substantial contributions to anthropogenic black carbon (BC) emissions (18–30%) and small contributions to total anthropogenic climate impacts (2–8%). Transitions from traditional fuels and devices have proven difficult. Stacking, i.e., the use of multiple devices and fuels to satisfy household energy needs, is common, showing the need to shift stove interventions from the common approach that promotes one fuel and one device to integrated approaches that incorporate deep understanding of local needs and practices, and multiple fuels and devices, while monitoring residual use of traditional technologies.
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Tài liệu tham khảo
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