Enterprise application reuse: Semantic discovery of business grid services

Information Technology and Management - Tập 8 Số 3 - Trang 223-239 - 2007
Bell, David1, Ludwig, Simone A.2, Lycett, Mark1
1Department of Information Systems and Computing, Brunel University, Uxbridge, UK
2School of Computer Science, Cardiff University, Cardiff, UK

Tóm tắt

Web services have emerged as a prominent paradigm for the development of distributed software systems as they provide the potential for software to be modularized in a way that functionality can be described, discovered and deployed in a platform independent manner over a network (e.g., intranets, extranets and the Internet). This paper examines an extension of this paradigm to encompass ‘Grid Services’, which enables software capabilities to be recast with an operational focus and support a heterogeneous mix of business software and data, termed a Business Grid—“the grid of semantic services”. The current industrial representation of services is predominantly syntactic however, lacking the fundamental semantic underpinnings required to fulfill the goals of any semantically-oriented Grid. Consequently, the use of semantic technology in support of business software heterogeneity is investigated as a likely tool to support a diverse and distributed software inventory and user. Service discovery architecture is therefore developed that is (a) distributed in form, (2) supports distributed service knowledge and (3) automatically extends service knowledge (as greater descriptive precision is inferred from the operating application system). This discovery engine is used to execute several real-word scenarios in order to develop and test a framework for engineering such grid service knowledge. The examples presented comprise software components taken from a group of Investment Banking systems. Resulting from the research is a framework for engineering service knowledge from operational enterprise systems for the purposes of service selection and subsequent reuse.

Tài liệu tham khảo

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