Ensuring Supply Chain Resilience: Development and Implementation of an Assessment Tool

Journal of Business Logistics - Tập 34 Số 1 - Trang 46-76 - 2013
Timothy J. Pettit1, Keely L. Croxton2, Joseph Fiksel2
1U. S. Air Force Academy
2The Ohio State University

Tóm tắt

In today's tightly connected global economy, traditional management practices that rely on “steady‐state” conditions are challenged by chaotic external pressures and turbulent change. Just in the last few years, the world has experienced a string of catastrophic events, including a global economic meltdown, a volcanic eruption in Iceland, an oil spill in the Gulf of Mexico, a disastrous tsunami and power blackout in Japan, and political upheavals in Africa and the Middle East. Managing the risk of an uncertain future is a challenge that requires resilience—the ability to survive, adapt, and grow in the face of turbulent change. This research develops a measurement tool titled the Supply Chain Resilience Assessment and Management (SCRAM™). Data gathered from seven global manufacturing and service firms are used to validate SCRAM™, using qualitative methodology with 1,369 empirical items from focus groups reviewing 14 recent disruptions. Critical linkages are uncovered between the inherent vulnerability factors and controllable capability factors. Through mixed‐method triangulation, this research identified 311 specific linkages that can be used to guide a resilience improvement process. Pilot testing suggests a correlation between increased resilience and improved supply chain performance.

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