Enhancement techniques for landuse analysis
Tóm tắt
In image interpretation, to make maximum use of the available information, some sort of enhancement is usually needed. In image enhancement, the aim is to manipulate the image to improve its quality. Image enhancement techniques emphasize upon the viewing of the image for extraction of information that may not have been so readily apparent in the original. Hera the software package for various enhancement techniques that has been developed at National bemote Sensing Agency (NRSA) is described. In order to illustrate the utility of the techniques, the enhanced imagery have been analysed for land use categories and linear features, and the corresponding thematic maps have also been shown in the results.
Tài liệu tham khảo
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Andrews, H.C. and Teacher, A.G. 1972. Image Procesing by Digital Computer. IEEE Spectrum, pp. 20–23.
Anderson, J.P., Hardy, E.E. and Proach, J. 1972. Landuse Classification System for use with Remote Sensed Data. Geological Survey circular 671, Washington D.C. USGS.
Kulkarni, A.O. 1979. Image Enhancement by Digital Technigues. International symposium on resource Engg. & Technology at IIT, Bombay.
Oppenheim, A.V., Schafer, R.W. and Stockham, T.G. 1968. Non linear filtering of multiplied and convolued signals. Proc. IEEE, Vol. 56, No. 8 pp. 1264- 1291.
Green, A.A., Huntington, J.F. and Roberts, G.P. 1978. Landsat Digital Enhancement Techniques for Mineral Exploration in Australia. Proc. 12th International Symp. on Remote Sensing of Environment. Vol. III. pp. 1755.